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Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elem...
Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elements
Russian nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian from the world renowned nuclear lab in Russia's Dubna welcomes the first non-Russian film crew at his lab, talking... (01:06:43) 20 скв 2016
Erik Demaine, the genius that plays for a living
Erik Demaine, the genius that plays for a living
Mathematician Erik Demaine talks about understanding complex problems and design solutions through play and gaming. (50:55) 21 крс 2016
Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager talks about her pioneering work in finding exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun, her search for extraterrest... (01:20:14) 26 крс 2016
George Whitesides on the world of chemistry shaping our futu...
George Whitesides on the world of chemistry shaping our future
Chemist and nanoscientist George Whitesides on the impact science and technology will have on the future of human kind (01:08:04) 20 стд 2017
Trond Helge Torsvik
Trond Helge Torsvik
A modern day Jules Verne, Norwegian geophysicist Trond Helge Torsvik wants to reconstruct the evolution of the earth and to answer the question why the eart... (54:24) 10 май 2016
Math genius Artur Avila about calming chaos
Math genius Artur Avila about calming chaos
Brazilian math genius Artur Avila searching for ways to understand chaos in complex dynamic systems that evolve over time such as planets moving around a st... (01:40:04) 01 скв 2016
Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
UK's Astronomer Royal reflects on the future of humanity in the cosmos (01:04:57) 27 ліс 2016
Michel Poulain hunting for the secret of a long and healthy ...
Michel Poulain hunting for the secret of a long and healthy life
Demographer wants to find the elixir for life by studying communities with super old and healthy people (51:36) 20 чрв 2016
Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your ...
Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your senses
British experimental psychologist Charles Spence on reprogramming and enhancing your senses. (01:35:31) 26 чрв 2016
Joanna Aizenberg
Joanna Aizenberg
Material scientist Joanna Aizenberg is an international pioneering in the creation of new, adaptive materials inspired by nature. (01:06:52) 21 врс 2016

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edit Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elem...
Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elements
edit Erik Demaine, the genius that plays for a living
Erik Demaine, the genius that plays for a living
edit Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
edit George Whitesides on the world of chemistry shaping our futu...
George Whitesides on the world of chemistry shaping our future
edit Trond Helge Torsvik
Trond Helge Torsvik
edit Math genius Artur Avila about calming chaos
Math genius Artur Avila about calming chaos
edit Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
Martin Rees on the future of man in the cosmos
edit Michel Poulain hunting for the secret of a long and healthy ...
Michel Poulain hunting for the secret of a long and healthy life
edit Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your ...
Psychologist Charles Spence on fooling and reinforcing your senses
edit Joanna Aizenberg
Joanna Aizenberg
edit Guy Consolmagno
Guy Consolmagno
edit Donald Hoffman on what reality is
Donald Hoffman on what reality is
edit Hani Hayajneh on pre-islamic cultures and languages
Hani Hayajneh on pre-islamic cultures and languages
edit Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local commun...
Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local community
edit Chemist Hans Clevers replaces worn-down body parts with orga...
Chemist Hans Clevers replaces worn-down body parts with organoids created outside the body
edit Jan Wei Pan on quantum weirdness
Jan Wei Pan on quantum weirdness
edit Jean-Jacques Hublin on human evolution
Jean-Jacques Hublin on human evolution
edit Quantum physicist Juan Maldacena on the new quantum-reality ...
Quantum physicist Juan Maldacena on the new quantum-reality theory
edit Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis on connecting brains and mac...
Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis on connecting brains and machines
edit Virus hunter Ron Fouchier on conquering the virus world
Virus hunter Ron Fouchier on conquering the virus world
edit Pascal Fung on building robots with empathy
Pascal Fung on building robots with empathy
edit Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of...
Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of tomorrow
edit John List on changing the rules of economy
John List on changing the rules of economy
edit Segenet Kelemu on how Africa can conquer the world through i...
Segenet Kelemu on how Africa can conquer the world through its knowledge of the world of insects
edit Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local commun...
Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local community
edit Pascale Fung: extra footage
Pascale Fung: extra footage
edit Yoshua Bengio Extra Footage 1: Brainstorm with students
Yoshua Bengio Extra Footage 1: Brainstorm with students
edit Yoshua Bengio: Extra footage 2
Yoshua Bengio: Extra footage 2
edit Yoshua Bengio: Extra Footage 3
Yoshua Bengio: Extra Footage 3
edit Segenet Kelemu: Extra footage 2
Segenet Kelemu: Extra footage 2

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Results from complete repository (10,580)

Eindelijk zomer en hoe
Eindelijk zomer en hoe
Weeknummer 35-25Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:40) 31 май 1935
700 jaar stad
700 jaar stad
Weeknummer 48-32Den Haag viert het 700-jarig bestaan als stad. SHOTS: - Feestelijk versierde straten, pleinen en gebouwen; - op het Binnenhof is een reusachtige tribune opg... (01:45) 31 лпн 1948
Hoe warm het was
Hoe warm het was
Weeknummer 72-31Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:21) 01 жнв 1972
Nieuws uit Indonesië: waternood en watersnood
Nieuws uit Indonesië: waternood en watersnood
Weeknummer 47-13Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:24) 01 скв 1947
De winterse zomer van 1956
De winterse zomer van 1956
Weeknummer: 56-35Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (02:07) 25 жнв 1956
Weeknummer 49-28Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:01) 01 лпн 1949
Weeknummer 67-05Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:33) 01 стд 1967
Reportage over de metro
Reportage over de metro
Weeknummer: 80-43Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (03:41) 01 стд 1980
Wedloop naar zee ter opening van het badseizoen
Wedloop naar zee ter opening van het badseizoen
Weeknummer 53-23Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:51) 01 стд 1953
Elfde nationale 2km zwemtocht over de Waddenzee
Elfde nationale 2km zwemtocht over de Waddenzee
Weeknummer 58-35Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:23) 23 жнв 1958

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