Bagay ng midya
Cape Canaveral: launch of the "Telstar" satellite, which will allow the transmission of images from United States to Europe
Creative Commons – Naamsvermelding-Niet-commercieel-Gelijk delen
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closeIkargang pababa
- MP4 (360x288, sd 16.7 MB): 01/58/158233.158222.Telstar.mp4
- MP4 (450x360, hd 25.9 MB): 01/58/158235.158222.Telstar.mp4
- WEBM (360x288, sd 16.4 MB): 01/58/158237.158222.Telstar.webm
- OGV (360x288, sd 5.6 MB): 01/58/158229.158222.Telstar.ogv
- OGV (450x360, hd 11.7 MB): 01/58/158231.158222.Telstar.ogv
- MP4 (450x360, source 6.0 MB): 01/58/158222.Telstar.mp4
La settimana Incom
Launch of the "Telstar" satellite, which will allow the transmission of images from United States to Europe
Transmitting and reception stations are situated in Andover, United States, and Lamion, Brittany. This project has been carried out with the financial contribution of United States telephone company Kappel, which bore the whole cost of the launch: one billion and 800 millions.
- Tagapaglikha:
- Incom (producer) / Cinecitta Luce (curator)
- Petsa ng paglalathala:
- 1 January 1962
- Haba:
- 01:56