
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

The wild duck 22/25
The wild duck 22/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (05:17) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 21/25
The wild duck 21/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:49) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 20/25
The wild duck 20/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:08) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 19/25
The wild duck 19/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (02:58) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 18/25
The wild duck 18/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:45) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 17/25
The wild duck 17/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:33) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 16/25
The wild duck 16/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (02:37) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 15/25
The wild duck 15/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:41) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 14/25
The wild duck 14/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:31) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 13/25
The wild duck 13/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:27) 28 Mar 2003

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Results from complete repository (10,724)

Zesde ANWB-tentoonstelling ''Goed kamp''
Zesde ANWB-tentoonstelling ''Goed kamp''
Weeknummer 58-16Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:16) 14 Apr 1958
Six-day racing
Six-day racing
Week number 69-51Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:25) 01 Dec 1969
Six years after the storm tide
Six years after the storm tide
Week number 59-05Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (03:43) 21 Jan 1959
Zelfkant (1930)
Zelfkant (1930)
Fragment van gedeeltelijk geënsceneerde documentaire over het werk van de vereniging Hulp voor Onbehuisden. (10:03) 31 Dec 1929
Self-made windmill produces enough energy to run his farm
Self-made windmill produces enough energy to run his farm
Week number: 80-06Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:50) 01 Jan 1980
DIY houses at Philips
DIY houses at Philips
Week number 48-51Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:04) 10 Dec 1948
Rare fish
Rare fish
Week number 70-35Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:44) 01 Aug 1970
Filmbeelden van enige bekende punten in Zeist. (02:06) 01 Jan 1922
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 28 uit 1939. (00:42) 02 Jul 1939
Zeilwedstrijden van de Koninklijke
Zeilwedstrijden van de Koninklijke
Weeknummer 24-26Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:34) 29 Aug 1924

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