Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 02/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (06:03) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 03/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (04:49) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 04/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (03:24) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 05/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (05:16) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 06/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (04:43) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 07/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (04:17) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 08/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (03:53) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 09/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (05:39) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 10/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (05:15) 25 Oct 2001
- Truus and Connie (Pigs and Farmers) 11/12
- A play about pigs and farmers during the epidemic of Classical Swine Fever in 1997 in the Netherlands. Truus and Connie is based on interviews of Lex Bohlm... (05:06) 25 Oct 2001
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Results from complete repository (10,355)
- Aankomst van Engelse honden
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 31 uit 1931. (01:18) 26 Jul 1931
- Aankomst van generaal Balbo
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 27 uit 1933. (02:19) 25 Jun 1933
- Aankomst van giraffen voor de Rotterdamse dierentuin
- Weeknummer 54-36Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:54) 30 Aug 1954
- Arrival of Henry Ford II
- Week number 54-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:26) 29 Jun 1954
- Aankomst van het echtpaar Lindbergh
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 44 uit 1933. (00:57) 22 Oct 1933
- Aankomst van het nieuwe autogirovliegtuig
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 37 uit 1934. (01:08) 09 Sep 1934
- Aankomst van het ooievaarsschip ''Atlantis''
- Weeknummer 50-28Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:13) 10 Jul 1950
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 2 uit 1946. (01:55) 07 Jan 1946
- Aankomst van Kingsford Smith en Stannage
- Weeknummer 30-24Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (07:34) 30 Jul 1930
- Aankomst van Lilian Harvey
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 25 uit 1935. (01:01) 16 Jun 1935
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