Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- 's-Gravenhaagsche vacantie-kinderfeest 1920, Het
- Reportage about roughly a thousand children from The Hague on their annual outing to Soesterberg. (05:21) 31 Dec 1919
- Accidents will happen
- A comic one-act film about an insurance agent who has to sell an insurance policy to a reluctant client in order to win over the daughter of the insurance c... (16:58) 31 Dec 1921
- All dolled up
- A romantic comedy about a shop assistant who manages to prevent the robbery of a rich woman, and who then becomes wealthy herself, although she remains a ni... (37:38) 31 Dec 1920
- Almost a scandal
- A comic one-act film in which affairs of the heart lead to a duel, and a chase. (12:19) 01 Jan 1915
- Als het vacantie wordt ...
- Promotional film to convince people to go on holiday in their own country. (05:56) 31 Dec 1925
- Ambachtsheerlijkheid Rijswijk, De
- Documentary about Rijswijk. (08:18) 31 Dec 1919
- Amsterdamsche pleinen en straten
- Documentary about Amsterdam. (10:49) 31 Dec 1919
- Argentijnsche vlees, Het
- Promotional film for meat from Argentina and Uruguay, with an emphasis on the modern design of the slaughterhouses, freezing, and hygiene. (16:29) 31 Dec 1919
- Arnhem en omstreken
- Documentary about Arnhem, Oosterbeek, Velp, De Steeg, and DierenArnhem and Surroudings gives an attractive picture of the city and its surroundings. (24:47) 31 Dec 1918
- Beans for Two
- A farce in which a couple unwittingly save up money for the same thing. (13:02) 01 Jan 1918
- Soundtrack door Martin de Ruiter
- Dit is de soundtrack die componist Martin de Ruiter maakte speciaal voor de Celluloid Remix van Victor Ponten ('Hoe de wereld veranderde') (02:28) 31 Jan 2012
Results from complete repository (10,800)
- !
- By Ziga DivjakVideo remix made during a workshop of the StrangerFestival 2009. (01:21) 11 Feb 2010
- "Amsterdam Diamond City"
- Week number 57-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:51) 20 Jun 1957
- "De Joodse invalide" betrekt een nieuw tehuis
- Weeknummer 52-44Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:46) 23 Oct 1952
- "De Joodse Invalide" gaat bouwen
- Diverse beelden van de bouw en de eerste steenlegging van het groot centraal gesticht van de Joodsche Invalide in Amsterdam. (07:40) 10 Oct 1935
- "Don't be afraid of the madness in your head."
- Beelden uit de vroegere maatschappij die bestond uit eenvoud gemixt tot mijn interpretatie van de huidige maatschappij, een gekte. (01:11) 10 Apr 2012
- "Electronic" press excursion
- Week number 61-05Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:47) 17 Jan 1961
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 15 uit 1947. (01:59) 07 Apr 1947
- "nonsai"
- Instrumentaal muziek gemaakt door Jacco Troost, fallwood. Edit in Adobe Premiere Pro CC door Jacco Troost. (04:55) 16 Sep 2017
- Female police officers take the streets for the first time
- Week number 55-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:18) 17 Jan 1955
- "The Greatest of Hungarians": István Széchenyi (1791-1860)
- Profiles: A Programme by Zoltán CsákyThe Worlds of Széchenyi – an exhibition organized by the Hungarian National Museum presenting the life of Count István Széchenyi, "the greatest of Hungarian... (13:51) 18 Mar 2011